Wall Prop Features

The Quick Prop masonry wall propping system is an award winning propping system that has revolutionised the building industry with its quick and safe application.

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Quick Prop Australia’s commitment to safety is proven with receiving a Worksafe Australia award presented in 2005. Our wall propping company was a finalist in the Victorian Worksafe awards…

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The Quick Prop is the best solution that I’ve seen to an old problem. Our teams traditionally prop with what they can find on a site, whereas Quick Prop provides the right tool for the job…

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About Us

On The Job Safety FirstRead More
Saves Time & Money

The wall props can be installed by one person in 15 minutes, therefore saving you time and money.

Quick Set Up

Quick Prop walls cut your wall propping time by 90%.

Easy To Transport & Store

The device weighs about 20kg and is easily moved from site to site and job to job.

Worksafe Accredited

Fully engineered for your safety and fits all Worksafe criteria.

Quick Prop Australia offers a safe and cost effective solution.

Quick Prop Australia is an award winning, safe, easy to use and effective masonry wall propping system which enables temporary walls to be propped up quickly and without risking safety on the worksite.

The wall propping system enables builders to use a quick set up device to prop up newly built walls. This stops them collapsing until they are able to stand alone. Before Quick Prop Australia, builders supported masonry walls by using timber props nailed together. These are time consuming to construct and also potentially unsafe. Quick Prop Australia offers a safe and cost effective solution.

Wall Prop Features Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth

The Quick Prop wall propping features include saving time and money, they are fully removable, easy to transport and store, they are reusable and fully Worksafe accredited.

Safety First For Masonry Wall Propping System, Brisbane, Darwin

Safety is of prime concern for Quick Prop Australia. Their easy to use and efficient wall propping system means a safer work place for all. The Quick Prop system has earned the honor of finalist in the 2005 Worksafe Victoria awards as well as a finalist in the Best Risk Solution category.

Testimonials for Quick Prop Wall Propping System, Hobart

What better way to see the great results for Quick Prop Australia than to read the testimonals of satisfied clients. Quick Prop Australia is also recognised by construction companies as well as recommended and used by members of the National Federation of Bricklayers and Masonry Employers Association.

For more information on Quick Prop Australia call 03 5276 1500 or email us. We service the building industry Australia wide.

  • The Quick Prop is the best solution that I've seen to an old problem. Our teams traditionally prop with what they can find on a site, whereas Quick Prop provides the right tool for the job, which is not only easier, but safer. Quick Prop removes the guess work from wall propping and with Quick Prop we can walk away knowing that the wall will be safe and still standing when we come back. Quick Prop impressed us so much that we'll be using it in the future.

    Mulgrave Bricklaying

    - Terry Canvale